Hi Everyone at St Therese's,
I miss you all but I just wanted to acknowledge your wonderful efforts in supporting the Lotus project yet again.
The girls now have a better understanding of our relationship as a sister school. They were able to locate Australia on the Asian map and with big smiles exclaimed "That's where our friend form Australia lives!" You have really found a special place in their hearts.
I know that your were keen on providing bicycles for the girls as they have to walk around 6 kms from their village to the school each day and as the weather can be either hot or cold, dry or wet this can be a difficult task.
So with your funds you have purchased 7 bicycles that each carry 3 girls so that's 21 girls who will be racing along the dirt road, giggling with excitement as they approach the new school day.
I am sending back the letters that were translated by Dr Phoudalay and the girls tried their best to share family details of their lives with you. As you are aware their lives are very different to yours and mine.
Hopefully you can write to them again and Mrs Heigh could collect them as I have a friend coming to Indonesia in September who can then help me get them to Laos.
I look forward to seeing you when I am home and don't forget to follow this blog
because I will update you all with details of the project and post photos so that you are always kept informed.
Ms Gamage
I am attaching a few photos from your beautiful art exhibition to share with the world because I am so proud of you. The Lotus girls said a special 'Thank you' when I showed them your artwork. The art work is now hanging in their classroom.
Ms Gamage
I am attaching a few photos from your beautiful art exhibition to share with the world because I am so proud of you. The Lotus girls said a special 'Thank you' when I showed them your artwork. The art work is now hanging in their classroom.
Artwork On Display
The theme was the Lotus flower
Lotus flowers in full bloom.
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